Privacy Statement

## Privacy Policy Mission Assistant "gpts"respects the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of data the gpt collects and how that data is used and protected. ### Data Collection and Use The gpts collects the following categories of data about you when you use our services: - **Account Data:** When you create a mission, we collect your name, email address, , and any other information you provide. This allows us to provide gpt services. - **Usage Data:** We collect data about your interactions with the gpts such as feature usage, date and time of use, troubleshooting data, and crash reports. This data helps us evaluate and improve the App and troubleshoot problems. - **Message Data:** We store the messages to deliver and analyze communications. ### Data Sharing We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent. The App shares data with third parties only in the following circumstances: - With your consent, we will share your data with third parties of your choosing. - We may share anonymized usage analytics data with affiliates, partners, advertisers, and other third parties to improve our services. This data does not include personal information. - To comply with law, legal processes, litigation requests, or requests from public authorities. We share information only to comply with legally mandated reporting, subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes requirements. - To enforce our policies or contracts or protect legal rights of ourselves, users, or others. We may share information if necessary for investigations related to public safety, abuse/harassment on the App, or intellectual property infringement. - In case of a merger, sale, reorganization, acquisition, divestiture, or dissolution of all or part of the App or our business. User data may be one of the business assets transferred as part of such activity. ### Changes to the Privacy Policy We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in data collection, use, and sharing practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you through the App and/or by other means prior to the changes taking effect. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for the latest information on our privacy practices. ### Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or use of your personal data, please contact us at :

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